Braintone Art-The Future!
Two Unique Style Templates
We offer two unique style templates/designs for our Braintone Art….Mood Bloom and Ink Thoughts.
Mood Bloom Braintone Art
Mood Bloom generates a consistent flow of modernized shpaes, which then bloom into colors and forms depending on your emotional fluctuations. As your emotions and thoughts ebb and flow, new shapes explode onto the canvas where you mind is concentrating, while the older shapes fade into the background in order to make room for your new thought shapes.
Ink Thoughts Braintone Art
The Ink Thoughts style template for Braintone Art works across a vertical plan in a dynamic style which mirrors two images simultaneously. The Ink Thoughts style draws from the discipline of Psychology, and is more of a modern approach to the Rorschach inkblot test.
As you focus on different points within the canvas itself, the ink will drop, bleed, blend and dry, after which the ink fades slowly so you can develop and create more unique and mysterious forms with the power of your mind!
Here’s How It Works
1: Choose Your Style
Just as a traditional artist decides on a general direction for their imagery before squeezing their selected paints onto their palette to begin, you too choose your style and colors. You can pick your favorites, coordinate with a room décor in your home, or just go with how you feel on the day.
2: Gear Up
We use a state-of-the-art EEG headset. It collects your brainwave information and analyzes what your brain is doing. Specifically, we collect how you’re feeling. When you begin Brain Painting, this information streams wirelessly in real-time through the Braintone Art Imagery Generation Engine to project your emotions as abstract artwork on the digital canvas.
For this to work well, we need unobstructed access to the forehead and left earlobe.

3: Paint!
It’s time to create. Direct where your brain will paint by simply facing where you want the art to appear. Your brain does the rest.
Let your mind take over and begin creating artwork based on your art style and color palette, coupled with your conscious and unconscious cognitive thoughts and emotions. Don’t worry, that questionable image you’re envisioning in your head won’t show on the canvas. We measure very high level thought only.
The beauty of painting using your brain is that there’s no mess, no artistic ability required, and it can be created quickly. A typical session takes minutes. When you’re done painting, we simply remove the headset from your head.

4: Sign
Then, after you’ve painted, you get to sign your new masterpiece.

5: Review
This is an evolving work of art, transforming with every shift of your brain activity. Every ten seconds the current visual state was recorded. When you’ve completed your painting, you can review and choose your favorite moment as the final artwork.

6: Enjoy!
You get a small take-away print with a scan-able QR code so you can view your entire session snapshots whenever you want and, of course, to share with others.
Discussion with others about what was happening on your canvas is always an enjoyable activity of discovery. What does your artwork tell you about yourself and your brain? What were you thinking when you created it?

Interpreting Brain Art
A. Color
Color is determined by your MEDITATION levels. Low meditation levels trigger the far left color in your palette and the higher your meditation, the colors farther to the right are selected. Relaxing by taking a deep breath and/or closing your eyes will help to trigger your meditation levels.
B. Placement
You control exactly where you want to paint simply by facing in the direction you desire. Your PAINTBRUSH will follow. This is accomplished using a sensitive head tracking system. In each of these examples, the artist tended to steer clear of the corners, focusing their brain activity on the center-most areas.

C. Shape & Form
The shape and form are determined by your FOCUS levels. This kind of thought could be best explained as trying to concentrate on an idea or, even better, a physical object on the screen.
With Mood Bloom, the shapes become more angular and complex as your FOCUS levels increase. Here you can see sudden spikes of this activity.
D. Blending
Seen in Mood Bloom, vibrant color can pop off the artwork when certain blend modes are triggered. The blend modes have unique characteristics, and when they intersect, you can generate colors that are an extension of your color palette. These blend modes are determined by your SUSTAINED MEDITATION levels.
On one end of the spectrum you may see lighter results from the blending (as seen here). A super meditative and sustained state will show very dark color, associated with the intensity of burning. Not everyone can trigger this. It’s pretty cool when this happens.
Contact Virginia Photo Booths and More Today!
Interested in braintone art? We’d love to send you more examples, walk you through the process, and figure out a way we can bring this unique and completely fun technology to your next special event!
Contact Virginia Photo Booths online, send us a message on Facebook, or call us 24/7 at (804) 651-2409 to discuss braintone art!